As a WeWin4u member, you will be entered into a great many competitions and you may hear you have won a competition you didn’t even know you had entered.
We take a lot of care to enter only legitimate competitions, but as we all know from regular ‘spam’, it is impossible to prevent misuse of your email address once it is in the public domain.
For these reasons it is especially important to be aware that there are unsavoury characters who may notify you of a bogus big win as the first stage of an attempt to trick you out of money. However, these scams almost always have some of the following characteristics:

- The prize seems excessively large for a free-to-enter competition
- You have to call a premium rate number or attend a presentation
- You have to send off some money to collect the 'prize'
- You have never heard of the organisation you have won from, or they have a suspicious email address
- You're asked to keep quiet about your win
- The standard of English in the email is poor
- You are notified by automated telephone message
At WeWin4u we never enter lottery related competitions, so any notifications that you have won a lottery prize are definitely false.
Remember that we have a record of the date and time of every competition we have entered for you.
If you’re not sure, contact us and we will check it for you for free.